46 yr male with vomiting

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. 

Case presentation:

46 yr old male k/c/o DM since 12 yrs and HTN since 8 yrs who is a pastor came  to casualty on 23rd August with complaints of vomiting since 4 days.

he was apparently asymptomatic 2yrs back 

developed fever and weakness for which he had consulted a local doctor who gave him multivitamin syrup and iron tablets.

He developed sweating, giddiness and lost consciousness after using those medications.

he was taken to nalgonda hospital where they had performed few tests which revealed  he had a kidney problem with raised urea and creatinine levels.The doctor advised for dialysis.

patient refused and took some other medications for 1yr,

 • 10months back-

Pt developed symptoms of decreased urine output and vomiting 3-4 episodes/day.

so he came to our hospital and dialysis was done.

he had no complaints after that dialysis sitting untill

 • 4 days back-

vomiting 3-4 episodes/day,no history of pedal edema, shortness of breath,

raised urea and creatinine levels,

admitted here for dialysis.

past history-h/o cellulitis 3yrs back 

personal history-




bowel and bladder-regular

no Addictions

drug history-allergic to iron tablets

treatment-on erythropoietin injection once a week, stamlo 5mg od,nodosis bd and HAI bd


Pt is conscious, coherent and cooperative


no signs of icterus, cyanosis, clubbing,koilonychia, lymphadenopathy

Skin changes on elbows,thighs and legs.


26th August- Dermatology opinion taken-chronic eczema






CVS-S1S2 heard

RS-BAE present

P/A-soft ,non tender


Input and output-

24th August

 input -1500ml approx

output-around 550ml

25th August

input-1500ml approx

output-around 500 ml

26th August







Diagnosis- known case of CKD with HTN and DM

1.tab.LASIX 20 mg po /BD
2.tab.NICARDIA10mg po/BD
3.tab.NODOSIS 500mg po/ BD
4.inj.ERYTHROPOIETIN s/c weekly twice
Donot give packed RBC (transfusion)as the erythropoietin further decreases and body becomes transfusion dependent

5.inj.HAI s/c according to sliding scale
Give only 80% of calculated dose of insulin,as it is also excreted through kidney.
6.tab.SHELCAL po /OD
Prefer tab.sevelamer over ca and vitd3
Dialysis was done on 24th and 25th August ,
Transplantation is preferred with maintanence on steroids+tacrolimus+mycophenolate+azathioprine+sirolimus(non nephrotoxic,so preferred drug)
Reports on 26th August-


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