30 yr male with anasarca

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. 

Case presentation:
30 year old male patient- who is a wood cutter . 3rd in birth order .who was married 10 years back and having 2 daughters . 
His wife expired 3 months back due to some cardiac issue .He is worried about his daughters future as his health is detiorating  .He 
 gives  history of jaundice 5years back . He noticed yellowish discoloration of urine and eyes 5 years  back . Later he got tested and was said to have jaundice ,for which patient used herbal medication for 3 days .later it subsided .
One month back patient noticed bilateral pedal edema  along with decreased urine output .Patient went for usual work and while he was washing his feet ,he noticed pedal edema .over a period of 2 days pedal edema progressed till knee .
It was not associated with shortness of breath ,No PND,no palpitations 
No facial puffiness ,no hematuria ,no burning micturition ,no fever episodes ,no vomiting ,no nausea .no frothing of urine .
Patient used to smoke -1 pack of beedi for every 3 days  for 20 years and stopped since he developed pedal edema .

Patient was  an occasional alcoholic but consumed toddy daily almost 2 litres/day  during lock down.

Denovo HTN ,on Nicardia 10 mg twice daily since 1 month ,but patient took antihypertensives for 10 days and stopped 

Non Diabetic ,no history of tuberculosis ,no asthma ,CVA,CAD 
He went to local RMP initially ,then went to nephrologist in Hyd .As patient couldn't afford treatment over there .He came to our hospital .

He was started on Hemodialysis last month . Underwent 5 dailysis .

He was admitted last month
Investigations during that period-

Anemia-due to low erythropoietin
Dilutional Hyponatremia-due to fluid excess as kidneys fail to excrete extra fluid
Hyperkalemia-as potassium excretion is impaired
Hypocalcemia-dimnished vit d formation
Hyperphosphatemia-due to phosphate retention
Low Ca,high PO4 stimulate PTH-Hyperparathyroidism develops with increased bone turnover and osteitis fibrosa cystica
phosphate is a calcium chelator and inhibits formation of calcium hydroxyapatite in bones (which gives strength to bones).

Patient had sudden onset of shortness of breath today morning with streaky hemoptysis and epixstasis .Profuse sweating + 
Patient was conscious 
His spo2 was 35 at room air , immediately CPAP was connected and later SPo2 improved to 95 % with FIo2 -100% 

His BP-150/100 mmHg 
Due to 
1. volume expansion
2. Nephron loss- low gfr-raas(+)-renin-angiotensin
Vasoconstriction-raised bp
RR-40 /min 
As there is metabolic acidosis lungs try to compensate to remove excess acid (CO2) by increasing resp rate
RS- left infraxillary coarse crepetations + 
CVS- S1 ,S2 heard no murmurs 
He was given lasix 80 mg .
Underwent DIALYSIS
On general examination : 
Pallor + 
Bilateral grade 2 pitting edema + 
No raised JVP 

Patient initially had 15.2 Hb ,later dropped to 12 after 4 HD 
Serum creat -10 ,urea- 159 
 investigations on day 1

Input and output 

DAY 2-

On examination -
RR : 35 cpm
Bp : 160/90 mm hg
Pr : 107 bpm regular
Cvs : s1 s2 heard no murmurs
Rs : bae + fine crepts present in rt and left isa iaa ima and wheeze present in rt ima
P/a :soft non tender
Assesment : ?COVID

Investigations on day2-
Day 3 CXR-
C/o sob 
CVS-S1S2 heard
Rs-BAE present,coarse crepts present in rt ISA,IAA,left ISA,IAA
P/A-soft, non tender

?ARDS with community acquired pneumonia (?viral)
 CKD on MHD with
Anemia - secondary to Blood loss /Chronic kidney Disease ? 
? glomerulonephritis
HTN + ,chronic smoker +

1.fluid restriction <1.5 L/day and salt intake <2 gm/day(as there will be dilutional hyponatremia which responds well to water restriction)
4.inj.Fe 10 in 100 ml NS slowly over 1/2 hr after test dose
5.T.NODOSIS 550 mg BD
6.T. alpha D3 0.25 MCG/OD
7.T.SHELCAL 500 mg OD
To increase calcium and decrease PTH-which reduces bone turnover and increase strength of bones.
#Tab.sevelamer is preferred over ca and vitd3 which is a po4 binder
#k bind sachet-ca+sodium polystyrine sulphonate
9.inj.PIPTAZ 4.5 gm iv stat followed by 2.25 gm qid
10.inj.PANTOP 40 mg iv bd
11.inj.TRENEXA 500 mg iv bd
intermittent Bipap if spo2 <80%


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